Letters & Submissions

Letter to City of Hamilton, Re: Residential Zones Project

Feb 23, 2024

February 22, 2024

Attention: Legislative Coordinator
Planning Committee
City of Hamilton -  Hamilton City Hall
71 Main St. W., First Floor
Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5
Delivered via email: clerk@hamilton.ca

Re: Residential Zones Project

Dear City of Hamilton,

The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO) is an Accredited Farm Organization representing the interests of over 4,000 farm families in Ontario who are called to the vocation of farming. CFFO policy promotes economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable farming, advocating that farmers receive fair return for their production and stewardship efforts. The CFFO is concerned about the protection of productive agricultural land.

This land is highly valuable as a source of food, as a provider of environmental goods and services, and as an economic driver. The CFFO supports proposed amendments to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and to City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 05-200. These proposed changes will extend permitted uses within the Low Density Residential Designation, and apply these changes within Ancaster, Flamborough, Glanbrook, former City of Hamilton, and Stoney Creek.

As part of these changes, Triplex and Fourplex buildings will be permitted within this zoning designation. We support these changes because they will allow increased density within the existing settlement area boundaries while maintaining a firm urban boundary limit. This protects productive farmland and other natural features outside settlement area boundaries.

Firm urban boundaries also reduce speculation which supports thriving farm businesses. We appreciate your efforts to prevent urban sprawl and protect productive farmland. We appreciate this opportunity to comment on the proposed changes.


Ed Scharringa, President Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario

Jon Bos, President Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario – Wentworth-Brant District

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