
Easter Hope in a Good Friday World

April 10, 2020 | Ed Scharringa

Easter Hope in a Good Friday World

I do not have to remind you of the times we find ourselves in today. In recent days and weeks, we have seen fellow farmers dealing with acres of unsold greenhouse products, labour uncertainty, cutbacks in supply managed commodities, milk dumping and more.

How many of us ever imagined we would see the day that such a microscopic virus could create so much uncertainty?

At CFFO, we are responding to issues as best we can, given current isolation rules. We are striving to work with government and other officials to rectify issues facing farmers as quickly as possible.

We have been focusing efforts on member concerns and broader provincial issues, such as farm labour shortages. Currently, we are also seeking solutions to difficulties within the value chain. With restaurant closures and higher demand at grocery stores, processing facilities need to transition quickly to supply changing markets. They need solutions, both structural and legislative, so that they can deliver products where they’re needed.

The stress and strain of trying to cope with it all reverberates on a day like today, Good Friday. This is the day when Christians the world over remember the suffering and death of our Saviour. But at the same time that we reflect on His suffering, we also find our hope and strength in the upcoming commemoration and celebration of Easter.

On Easter, we remember the resurrection that gives life in abundance, by grace alone. My hope is that, this weekend, we can take time to give thanks for what we have, to pray for healing for those who have fallen ill, and to ask for continued strength to love our fellow neighbours.

On behalf of the Board of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, I wish you a Happy Easter.

Ed Scharringa is Board of Directors President of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario. The CFFO Commentary represents the opinions of the writer and does not necessarily represent CFFO policy. The CFFO Commentary is heard weekly on CFCO Chatham, CKXS Chatham, and CKNX Wingham.