Avian Influenza in Ontario

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The CFIA offers information on what to do if you suspect your flock has contracted avian influenza and is offering information on current and recent investigations:

Response to detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1)


The Feather Board Command Centre

The Feather Board Command Centre (FBCC) is providing regular updates on the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) situation in Ontario.

Primary Control Zones and Movement Permitting Process for Farmers in Biosecurity Advisory Areas

Required Heightened Biosecurity Measures for ALL Poultry Farmers

Heightened Biosecurity During Spring Planting

More information and updates can be found at www.fbcc.ca.


Minister's Order:

Provincial Minister’s Order limiting the commingling of birds from different locations in Ontario


Additional Support:

This is an incredibly stressful situation. If you need to talk, find resources here.